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Brief history of SMG

It is in 1961 when the history of SMG begins. José Ignacio Arruabarrena works at SACEM, but decides to give a new direction to his future work and with the help of his brother Pablo Ramon Arruabarrena who works at NORMECANICA they begin to make small transports for the EMUA company with a family car cut off in order to have a small box to be able to transport small pieces.

After a year he buys a 2-axle AVIA truck and they continue to work for companies in the town and region (EMUA – Aceros Eva – Angel Urteaga – Forjas Sosoaga – Papelera Etxezarreta – Guadalupe, etc). Truck that they also use to transport their own cattle to the Tolosa slaughterhouse, since they are from the LUMANE-LUEBANA farmhouse in Irura. Over time they will also transport livestock from other villages. It is in the same LUMANE-LUEBANA hamlet where they carry out another of their businesses, the sale of wine in bulk, since they have a small winery. The brothers Ignacio and Jesús are the ones who distribute the wine jugs around the town of Hernialde.

It is in 1994 when Jose Ramon Arruabarrena, son of Ramon Arruabarrena, turns 21 and when he gets his truck license he begins to help them, combining it with his work at Agua de Insalus. It is in the year 2000 when José Ramón decides to leave his position at Agua de Insalus and dedicate himself fully to the family business. Ramon and Ignacio are retiring and due to the increase in demand, new drivers are being hired.

Until 2008, it was basically working for regional transport, but due to the great crisis, it was decided to expand the market and start working with special transport (rings, bottoms ...). Thus we are adapting with enthusiasm and innovation to the different transport requirements of our customers. Today we are capable of transporting with our own means or through trusted partners from 1 pallet of 100kg to some rings of 9m in diameter and 35000kg.

"We keep growing and we love challenges"


Transports per year


Years of Experience

60 años en la carretera

SMG - your reliable partner

After 60 years of dedication and team effort, it is still a challenge and a goal for us to satisfy our customers day after day.

“A well done job, a satisfied customer”
José Ramón Arruabarrena, SMG Manager

Our team

Nerea Bidaurreta, responsable de administración
Nerea BidaurretaAdministration Manager
Ion Idoate, responsable en el departamento de tráfico
José Ramón ArruabarrenaSMG Manager
Leire Nerea García, responsable en el departamento de tráfico y comercio internacional
Leire Nerea GarciaTransport management / International Rep

We support sports

At SMG we support the sport practice, because we value the effort and the spirit of improvement of people, both individually and as a team. We sponsor the Xare Ametsa team. It is a very little known ball game called “Xare”, and it is played in a fronton called trinquete. In 2019 it was the 100th anniversary of his practice in Irura. More information about its history. In addition, we collaborate in different sport events.

pala de xare
equipo de xare en el frontón